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here are only four legal study abroad agencies in Jiangxi Province, legitimate list issued yesterday; study abroad people need to pay attention
time:2022-08-30 10:25:23  from:  click:374
At present, there are some agencies which do not have self-financing study abroad agency qualification developing illegal activities, it damages the interests of the people and disturb the normal order of studying abroad service market. In order to combat illegal activities and protect the interests of people, strengthen the management of agencies, in 21st, Jiangxi province announced the list of legitimate self-financing study abroad agency officially. It is reported that there are only four legitimate agencies. The provincial education department reminds the people who plan to study abroad must choose reliable quality school. Especially they should polish eyes to distinguish legitimate agency to avoid unnecessary losses.

The four legitimate studying abroad agencies are: Jiangxi province education abroad Advisory Service Center, Jiangxi Province Friendly service center for studying abroad, JUST International Education Service Co. Ltd., Jiangxi Jincai Education Development Co. Ltd. Among them, Jiangxi province education abroad Advisory Service Center is the first company to obtain the qualification, the qualification certificate is valid for the longest (until 2016).

The provincial education departments reminds the people who go abroad to study through agencies should check whether it has  "studying abroad agency qualification book" issued by the Ministry of Education and "business license" issued by the local administration for Industry and commerce, as well as check its core qualifications. At the same time, they need to know the qualifications of targets colleges through normal channels and check relevant certification documents to view whether the colleges and universities signed a cooperation letter of intent or agreement.

When signing studying abroad service contract, whether the contract form suitable for developed the "studying abroad intermediary services contract (model version)" made by Ministry of education, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly is important, in addition, the core content of the interests of both sides should be involved in the contract, whether the name of study abroad agency in contract signature is the same with "qualification book" is also important; when paying the fees, you should request for valid invoice or receipt covered with enterprise financial dedicated seal in order to avoid unnecessary losses. For the protection of the interests of students who plan to study abroad, students can call the province education department to report complaints Tel: 0791-86765635; industrial and commercial departments to report complaints Tel: 12315.
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